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Old 10-09-2012, 11:04 AM
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automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

Has anyone solved the issue of how to automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z in ModelManager?

We have our custom.xml set up
    <DisplayName>Major Rev</DisplayName>
I mistakenly thought that alphabetic revision would follow these rules:
a) The first revision level is identified by the upper case letter "A".
b) Letters "I" "O" "Q" "S" "X" and "Z" are never used.
c) Upon exhaustion of the alphabet, revisions are identified by letters "AA", "AB", "AC", etc.
d) Revision letters shall not exceed two characters.
In some limited testing though, I found that when I revised revision R, it moved to S. How can I further define acceptable major revisions to match the above rules?

I understand that this isn't an option available through XML configuration. I've barely gotten my feet wet with regards to Java - is there a snippet of code I can add somewhere to address this?

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Old 10-09-2012, 11:57 AM
Gary L. Gary L. is offline
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Re: automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

We have this line in the <Options> section of our xml:


Hope this helps.
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Old 10-09-2012, 12:20 PM
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gmatelich gmatelich is offline
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Re: automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

That sounds like exactly what I need, but I can't find evidence that it is a CoCreate tag, which makes me think it's a custom tag defined at your company.

I'd like to add it to my .xml file anyway to confirm, does your .xml look something like this, as far as placement of the options section?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <Class extends="DMDrawing, DMReleaseProcess">
        <DisplayName>Major Rev</DisplayName>
    <Class extends="DMMasterdata, DMReleaseProcess">
        <DisplayName>Part Number</DisplayName>
        <RollingNumberGeneratorName>New Number Generator</RollingNumberGeneratorName>
    <Class extends="DMModel, DMReleaseProcess">
        <DisplayName>Part Number</DisplayName>
        <RollingNumberGeneratorName>New Number Generator</RollingNumberGeneratorName>
        <DisplayName>Major Rev</DisplayName>
        <DisplayName>Minor Rev</DisplayName>
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Old 10-10-2012, 04:53 AM
Gary L. Gary L. is offline
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Re: automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

It likely is a custom tag.

Your placement is similar to ours.
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Old 12-20-2012, 02:15 PM
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gmatelich gmatelich is offline
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Re: automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

Here is the java I created to address the problem

import com.osm.exception.WMException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

/** @author GregM, with setup help from MB-dataRefresh
public class ZetecVersion extends Version {

    public ZetecVersion(String version, WMAttribute att, WMObject wmObject) throws WMException {
        super(version, att, wmObject);
    public ZetecVersion(Object version, WMAttribute att, WMObject wmObject) throws WMException {
        this(version.toString(), att, wmObject);
    public ZetecVersion(WMAttribute att, WMObject wmObject) throws WMException {
        this(null, att, wmObject);
    /**    private ArrayList<String> skipChars = <"I","O","Q","S","X","Z","AI","AO","AQ","AS","AX","AZ","BI","BO","BQ","BS","BX","BZ","CI","CO","CQ","CS","CX","CZ","DI","DO","DQ","DS","DX","DZ","EI","EO","EQ","ES","EX","EZ","FI","FO","FQ","FS","FX","FZ","GI","GO","GQ","GS","GX","GZ","HI","HO","HQ","HS","HX","HZ","JI","JO","JQ","JS","JX","JZ","KI","KO","KQ","KS","KX","KZ","LI","LO","LQ","LS","LX","LZ","MI","MO","MQ","MS","MX","MZ","NI","NO","NQ","NS","NX","NZ","PI","PO","PQ","PS","PX","PZ","RI","RO","RQ","RS","RX","RZ","TI","TO","TQ","TS","TX","TZ","UI","UO","UQ","US","UX","UZ","VI","VO","VQ","VS","VX","VZ","WI","WO","WQ","WS","WX","WZ","YI","YO","YQ","YS","YX","YZ","II","IO","IQ","IS","IX","IZ","OI","OO","OQ","OS","OX","OZ","QI","QO","QQ","QS","QX","QZ","SI","SO","SQ","SS","SX","SZ","XI","XO","XQ","XS","XX","XZ","ZI","ZO","ZQ","ZS","ZX","ZZ","IA","IB","IC","ID","IE","IF","IG","IH","IJ","IK","IL","IM","IN","IP","IR","IT","IU","IV","IW","IY","OA","OB","OC","OD","OE","OF","OG","OH","OJ","OK","OL","OM","ON","OP","OR","OT","OU","OV","OW","OY","QA","QB","QC","QD","QE","QF","QG","QH","QJ","QK","QL","QM","QN","QP","QR","QT","QU","QV","QW","QY","SA","SB","SC","SD","SE","SF","SG","SH","SJ","SK","SL","SM","SN","SP","SR","ST","SU","SV","SW","SY","XA","XB","XC","XD","XE","XF","XG","XH","XJ","XK","XL","XM","XN","XP","XR","XT","XU","XV","XW","XY","ZA","ZB","ZC","ZD","ZE","ZF","ZG","ZH","ZJ","ZK","ZL","ZM","ZN","ZP","ZR","ZT","ZU","ZV","ZW","ZY">;
     * manually built in Excel
    private static ArrayList<String> zAlphabet = new ArrayList<String>();

    public String getActualNextMajorRevision(int type) throws WMException {
        String nextRev = super.getActualNextMajorRevision(type);

        String[] zSkipChars = {"I", "O", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"}; //defines characters to be skipped, could be pulled from xml rather than hardcoded
        List<String> zAllSkip = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(zSkipChars)); //Begins defining all combinations of revs to skip, starting with zSlipChars

        for (char zLetter = 'A'; zLetter <= 'Z'; zLetter++) {  //creates array containing the alpahbet
        for (String word : zAllSkip) { /* remove skip characters from the alphabet  */
            while (zAlphabet.contains(word)) {
        /* Add two character revisions to finish defining all combindations of revs to skip     */
        for (String firstL : zAlphabet) {
            for (String secondL : zSkipChars) {
                zAllSkip.add(firstL + secondL);
        for (String firstL : zSkipChars) {
            for (String secondL : zAlphabet) {
                zAllSkip.add(firstL + secondL);
        } //    System.out.println(zAllSkip); //    System.out.println(zAllSkip.size());

        if (zAllSkip.contains(nextRev)) {
            nextRev = getActualNextMajorRevision(type);
        return (nextRev);
 * Returns the string containing the next major revision. All the necessary database
 * work is done to verify that this is the next major revision.
 * @param type indicating whether the revision type is MAJOR or MINOR
 * @throws WMException if anything goes wrong
 * @return the actual next major revision
public String getActualNextMajorRevision(int type)
throws WMException {
String retVal = null;

if (type == MAJOR) {
nextMajorRev = getNextMajorRevision(type);

if (getVersionUtils().doesMajorRevisionExist((Versionable) getWMObject(), nextMajorRev)) {
final Version highest = getVersionUtils().getHighestVersion((Versionable) getWMObject()).getVersion();
nextMajorRev = highest.getNextMajorRevision(type);

retVal = nextMajorRev;
} else {
retVal = getMajorRev();

return retVal;

Then I just found this in the ModelManager Customization Guide for the Business Logic extension lab:

import com.osm.exception.*;


public class AcmeModel3D extends DMModel3D {

   public AcmeModel3D(WMSession theSession, int theHandle) throws WMException {

      super(theSession, theHandle);

   public void setName(String name) throws WMException {
      if (name.indexOf('l') > -1) {
         throw new WMException ("l not allowed in model name");
      if (name.indexOf('o') > -1) {
         throw new WMException ("o not allowed in model name");
      if (name.indexOf('i') > -1) {
         throw new WMException ("i not allowed in model name");

Can anyone comment on the value of one approach or the other? Do any flaws in my Java jump out?
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Old 02-15-2015, 06:25 PM
andyadams andyadams is offline
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Re: automatically skip revisions I O Q S X and Z

Hello,i am a java barcode developer and my work is to generate qrcode using java class.Recently have a problem of how to skip a revision in svn repository.
So say I have the three latest revisions of an aspx file: 55, 56 and 57. Revision 56 added a feature that I want to remove, but I also want to have the new features deployed in version 57. Is there any way I can merge version 55 with 57, leaving revision 56 out of the picture?
If it matters, I'm using Tortoise SVN and Visual SVN, but I normally just use Tortoise.
Thanks for any ideas.
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