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Old 07-12-2002, 09:01 AM
Rusty Carter
Posts: n/a
Plotting in ME10 v11.0 on Windows XP

We are migrating from ME10 on Unix to Windows XP. Our current plot setup uses macros to do all of the size, rotation, etc conversions prior to executing a direct lp to either laserjet printer or designjet plotter. We are planning to use the classic interface on Windows to make use of all our existing macros. However, our plot macros are not supported by XP. What is the easiest solution to set up plotting so that we can continue to use our existing plotters with all the functionality we have on Unix?
Old 07-12-2002, 06:00 PM
Paolo Marchetto
Posts: n/a
re: Plotting in ME10 v11.0 on Windows XP

Try to give a look to Bye paolo
Old 09-17-2002, 01:46 AM
Daniele Spessotto
Posts: n/a
re: Plotting in ME10 v11.0 on Windows XP

Rusty, we are using Me10 Ver.10.50 end Ver.11.00 on WindowsNT and XP and we are plotting using the browser (Explorer) clicking with the right button of the mouse on the drawing file and selecting print from that menu. To make this you must associate the files with .mi extension with Me10 and creating a command called print with "me10.exe -p" application associated. So you must insert this file in the me10 directory to made the automatic identify of the drawing format anf to select the correct printer for them: filename "customize_p.m" like this: { User specific customization } trap_error PLOTTER_TYPE ADD MSWINDOW_GDI_PRINTER PRT_DRIVER 'A4' 'Formato A4' PLOTTER_TYPE ADD MSWINDOW_GDI_PRINTER PRT_DRIVER 'A3' 'Formato A3' PLOTTER_TYPE ADD MSWINDOW_GDI_PRINTER PRT_DRIVER 'A2' 'Formato A2' PLOTTER_TYPE ADD MSWINDOW_GDI_PRINTER PRT_DRIVER 'A1' 'Formato A1' PLOTTER_TYPE ADD MSWINDOW_GDI_PRINTER PRT_DRIVER 'A0' 'Formato A0' INQ_ENV 7 LET dist_x ((ROUND(((X_OF (INQ 102)) - (X_OF (INQ 101)))))*(INQ 4)) LET dist_y ((ROUND(((Y_OF (INQ 102)) - (Y_OF (INQ 101)))))*(INQ 4)) let formato '' define pol if(dist_x<=210) LET formato 'A4' end_if if(formato='') if((dist_x <= 420.9 ) AND ( dist_y <= 297.9) ) LET formato 'A3' end_if end_if if(formato='') if((dist_x<=594.9) AND (dist_y<=420.9)) LET formato 'A2' end_if end_if if(formato='') if((dist_x<=842) AND (dist_y<=595)) LET formato 'A1' end_if end_if if(formato='') if((dist_x<=1190) AND (dist_y<=842)) LET formato 'A0' end_if end_if end_define pol define plot2 if (formato = 'A4') PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A4' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A4 - 210 x 297 mm.' ORIENTATION PORTRAIT COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE 1 WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 0 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO else_if (formato = 'A3') PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A3' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A3 - 420 x 297 mm.' ORIENTATION LANDSCAPE COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE 1 WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 0 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO else_if (formato = 'A2') PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A2' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A2 - 420 x 594 mm.' ORIENTATION PORTRAIT COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE 1 WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 90 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO else_if (formato = 'A1') PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A1' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A1 - 841 x 594 mm.' ORIENTATION LANDSCAPE COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE 1 WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 0 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO else_if (formato = 'A0') PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A0' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A0 - 1189 x 841 mm.' ORIENTATION LANDSCAPE COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE 1 WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 0 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO else PLOTTER_TYPE 'Formato A4' WIN_PRT_MGR PAPER 'ISO A4 - 210 x 297 mm.' ORIENTATION PORTRAIT COPIES 1 END PLOT_SCALE AUTO WAIT 5 PLOT 0,0 0 all BW_IMG NORM_VIDEO end_if end_define plot2 Bye Daniele.

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