View Full Version : repeat function

11-05-2002, 12:45 PM
Does anyone know of a repeat last cmd functionality in OSDM???
Similar to the Autocad Repeat last command? If there is none I would like to make suggestion on the enhancements forum.


11-05-2002, 11:48 PM
Where would you need this "Repeat" most? Usually all more complex commands do have a "Next" button which is something like a "Repeat". Or in which situations do you need "Repeat"?

This is not trivial to implement and therefore I try to understand your request.


11-06-2002, 09:02 AM
There are a few occasions when a next button is not available. IE overdraw does not have a next button. Repeat I think would be a great feature. There are so many countless times when I would repeat a function, after I've cancelled the dialog. I realize there is a next button, but often our user base does not think or model with that feature in mind. Just as i said they tend to end and cancel a dialog after completing a task. Afterwards realizing they need to repeat the last used function.