View Full Version : update many parts together

03-04-2008, 02:40 AM
We're working a lot with pkg with some parts in Model manager and we often need to update many parts in the structure tree.
Is it possible to update all the parts together ?? It is boring having to update them one by one....

Thanks for your answer

03-04-2008, 12:20 PM
If you are using Model Manager to manage all your parts, this process happens with a single click update command at the top level assembly. Regardless if you loaded a package file, if the parts that need updating exist in Model Manager the process is fast and easy.

03-05-2008, 04:10 AM
The assembly doesn't exist in model manager and that's the problem ! I can't update all parts which belong to this assembly all together !!

Is there solution ?

03-05-2008, 06:43 AM
Just like you said, "all parts which belong to this assembly".

A managed assembly in Model Manager would update all the parts in that assembly with one single click. This is why good assembly management, along with a data management system like Model Manager, can make your design and workgroup processes a lot easier.

03-06-2008, 09:53 AM
Hi Seb360,
Why are you still managing pkg when you manage depending parts in Model Manager?
Why not to save your parent assy as a model into Model Manager? This way would make a top-down save much more easier.

03-06-2008, 11:22 PM
we manage project in pkg at the beginning when the machine is not yet well define... We only save all parts of the pkg in model manager when we are enough advanced in parts definition...
So at the beginning, we have a lot of new parts with some coming from model manager...