View Full Version : problem with upgrading OSM version 14 to 15

09-14-2007, 03:07 AM
Hi all,

we updated the OSM version 14, to version 15 (and the database oracle schema from version 9 to version 10)).
While we were upgrading the system, our user worked with 3d model offline, saving these files on their file system.
Now, that the system is ready and upgraded, if they load a model 3d from file system having Model Manager started,
Model Manager recognizes the there is a conflict, but it can't solve it ....
And, if we try to reserve the object we obtain the follwing error:

Thread = Interlink Reader [MODELMANAGER IL] ID=26
com.osm.exception.WMException: Unparseable date: "NIL"
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.osd.AbstractReserverHandler.processCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.OSDCommandHandler.startRun(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.OSDCommandsManager.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.OSDCommandsManager.processCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.CADCommandHandler.processCommand(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.biz.Interlink.read(Unknown Source)
at com.osm.datamgmt.integration.command.CADCommandHandler$InterlinkReaderThread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "NIL"
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(Unknown Source)
... 7 more

How can we solve all of these conflicts ?

Thanks to all,

09-14-2007, 06:07 AM
It seems very strange.
I have a question.Model Manager and OSD Modeling have exactly the same version?


09-14-2007, 06:51 AM
hi all.
we have noticed that these models are strange ... for example, they seem reverved by two users at the same time ...
so now, we are working with our custumer to study one model at time, to decide if delete it, or save it on the db, or .... etc etc.


ps: are there some knows problems working with "little" different version? (for example between Modelling 1500A and OSM 1500B)

09-17-2007, 01:02 AM
If you read file platform.html you can see that CoCreate support

Modeling 15.00B with MM 15.00B
Modeling 15.00A with MM 15.00A

but not

Modeling 15.00B with MM 15.00A or vicecersa.

CoCreate support only what says.If you try some different that is not supported,remain unsupported.
I recommend you to install only supported configuration of

OSM Server
Model Manager
