View Full Version : Sheet metal--Initial problem

Joe Chang
06-07-2007, 08:02 PM
When I initialized sheet metal the "shop" and "material" in setting manual were empty. and when I click those command there was error msg appeard "The variable SHA_SET_DEFAULT_MATERIAL is unbound."
Can anyone tell me what's problem?


06-08-2007, 12:46 AM
Hi Joe,

Have you got a customization with lisp-macros? Most of the time it is caused by some declaration in the customized lisp-code, which interferes with internal definitions from OneSpace.

For example: when you include a module in your lisp-code with "use-package", while it is not loaded yet, you will get these kind of errors, because some of the internal macro's cannot be loaded, because the package it declares is already defined.

If you have custom lisp-code, try to start modeling without this customization. When everything works as it should, you can then bit by bit enable your customization again, to locate the problem.

Also, try to start OneSpace in verbose mode to spot any errors during startup. Problems don't always show up here, but it can be useful to pinpoint the problem


Marten Verhoeven

Joe Chang
06-09-2007, 01:16 AM
Thanks Marten

I initialized by verbose mode .I saw the infomation that OSD initialized basic_sheet_metal_loader,sheetadvisor,sheet_bending these kind of function of "Sheet metal". but without initialization of demoshop.

Yet whatever I add (load "sha_demoshop") or (sha-tdb-load "sha_demoshop.lsp") into sd_customize ,both way doesn't make sense , do you have any idea about that?

Thanks again!

06-10-2007, 10:10 PM
Hi Joe,

Have you disabled all your other customization? SHA_SET_DEFAULT_MATERIAL is not a function of the demoshop, but is a function of sheetmetal. This means that demoshop not being loaded isn't your problem. It's that sheetmetal itself doesn't load completely. The only cause I have seen for this situation is a compatibility problem with lisp-customization and can sometimes be hard to find. Modeling can start without problems, and everything works correctly. Only when you start a specific module something goes wrong. So your customization problem probably has nothing to do with specific sheet-metal customization.


Marten Verhoeven

Joe Chang
06-12-2007, 01:58 AM
Thanks again Marten,

I did not disabled any of customization, I am a new user in sheet metal, it seems not major problem for me due to other sheet metal function work properly.

By the way, do you know how to make a user built stamp tool into OSM sheet metal module. I found "tool" command always kept yellow color under "Stamp" function, in other word : "Tool" did not accept key-in part file or no function of choose part.

Best regards.