View Full Version : PDF files not aligned

05-25-2007, 06:01 AM
Hi all
I have a problem with pdf automatically generated by OSD and saved into Model Manager.In particular,references into titleblock can be not aligned with
Masterdata and Document Information:thik about state attribut,if i save my drawing (state in the titleblock of pdf file is "working") and then someone change state to "released" :pdf file have state "working" and not "released" (not update with masterdata ad drawing information)

BIG PROBLEM.So PDF File are useless.


05-26-2007, 12:01 AM
Hi Alex,
ModelManager Plus is an add-on module that has been designed to solve your issue. It makes use of an output server process that re-builds the PDF drawings as far as their state changes to release, archive or anystate else.
Look for this add-on module from CoCreate if needed.

05-28-2007, 12:01 AM
This is a solution that i know (Task Agent) but if a customer haven't this module PDF files attached to Masterdata (to drawing attached to Masterdata)
are not realiable.
If Task Agent re-create pdf file means that user of task(can be medmgr??) agent modify (date and author) drawing that have inside pdf file,and this drawing is already released.


05-28-2007, 08:10 AM
I was talking about MM+ and not Task Agent.
In MM+, the PDF is produced through a session owned by the special user "opsmgr" which is a member of "sysadmin".
It's true that LASTUPDATE_DATE and LASTUPDATED_BY will be updated with opsmgr name and timestamp. But you can make use of DesignManagement [ORG_][CREATED;APPROVED;RELEASED]_[BY;AT] to keep track of users name and timestamps.