View Full Version : catch trouble ?

12-17-2006, 04:56 AM
Hello everybody

I am working with “CoCreate ME10 Release 14.00A” and I have noticed the following :

I make a line between two points ( NON HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL )

I zooming more close as possible to the line

I try to make another line that start onto the previous

When I approach the first line with the mouse pointer it seems that the “CATCH TRAP” highlight the line before the mouse is onto the line …and the second line NEVER start perfectly onto the first …

This kind of problem is reflected also in other situations and the drawings are not fine .

It happen only on my CAD ??
Any suggestion …?

Tank you very much
..bye ( I apologies you for my bad English )

John Scheffel
12-18-2006, 02:28 PM
I'm not sure I understand what you are describing. If you can attach a screen shot of the behavior it might help. You can use Alt-PrintScreen to capture the current window to the clipboard, then paste it into Word or Paint to save as a file.

In the past I have have seen some odd behavior in the graphics and catching if the viewport is zoomed to very small dimensions. Is it possible that you are working on very small elements? Check your current units and measure something. I have also seen odd behavior if the geometry is very far from the origin (X,Y=0,0). Look at the real time cursor position at the lower left of your Drafting window. It will list the current X,Y coordinates of your cursor in the current units.

12-18-2006, 09:07 PM
Thanks for the answer John

Probably I have not explain the behaviour in a better way .
1) Load Me10
2) Trace a line between two points (0,0) (1000,1000) for example
3) Now zoom at the maximum approximately in a middle of the line
4) At this point try to catch the line with the mouse pointer
5) In my installation the line will be highlighted but the mouse pointer will not appear over the line ( sometimes in the right side and sometimes in the left side of the line but never over the line ) .
6) If the line is horizontal or vertical the behaviour is correct !

My CoCreate provider told me that CoCreate has open a “trouble code” named “ERROR_IN_ZOOM “ but I have not had answers.


12-18-2006, 11:55 PM
Maybe you have CATCH AREA setting larger of cursor simbol.
OSDD can "see" the line before you are over it with the cursor.
Try to set both (cursor and box catching area) at the same value (8) and see if the trouble still runs.


12-19-2006, 05:12 AM
Hi Stefano

When I change the catching area automatically the cursor dimension change ..! OR not ?

Ok ..but ..the interesting thing is that I have tested four different installation in a different factory and ALL the installation have the same behavior like the mine !! All the users they are remained a lot surprises…!?!

In order to terminate …
I would ask to You and John if in your computer happens this thing or not …
I have a couple of designer very upset for that but I don’t have any weapon for shooting this trouble

In any case Merry Christmas and happy New Year

12-19-2006, 08:47 AM
I have find the CoCreate “trouble code” about my problem

BSU8431M2T3KQY "Error in ZOOM"

If someone has news about that and tell me ..it will appreciate a lot


John Scheffel
12-19-2006, 04:22 PM
Probably I have not explain the behaviour in a better way .
1) Load Me10
2) Trace a line between two points (0,0) (1000,1000) for example
3) Now zoom at the maximum approximately in a middle of the line
4) At this point try to catch the line with the mouse pointer....
I think I have seen what you are describing. As I indicated in my reply above you can get some strange graphics behavior if you zoom in to the maximum level. Is there some reason that you need to zoom in that far? It is rarely necessary. If you can describe what you are trying to accomplish we might be able to suggest workarounds that would avoid zooming in that far.

Someone at CoCreate with access to the call tracking database should be able to tell you the status of that call number.

12-20-2006, 06:16 AM
Judging from the call data, there was some communication on the issue in May; no news since then, really. (Oh, and I hasten to add that this is an exception. If you need to know the status of your enhancement requests and bug reports, please check with your support partner.)


12-20-2006, 12:27 PM
Many thanks to all I will wait with patience the trouble solution that I hope fast.
