View Full Version : A stamp function that works like the mill button.

11-21-2006, 09:12 AM

I am using the stamp feature quite often these days. One thing I would like to see is a stamp feature that works like the mill feature instead of the punch feature. The problem is that everytime I stamp something I am left with a bunch of crapnal that gets stamped along with the feature I am trying to get:eek: . Then I have to go back and delete all crapnal floating in space. I have attached a photo of the crapnal from a recent stamp, this may not be suitable for children. In the photo all I wanted to use was the v section up by the box in the workplane.
The same goes for the section feature. I just want to cut out a small piece for reuse, not blow a hole thru my part.

If you need further explanation let me know.


02-16-2007, 11:48 AM
Just trying to understand the need. Do you want to have a way to create a stamp with the ability to set the depth?

If that is what you want, there is a two-step solution I can think of is extruding with the profile, then use the intersect command.

Mike Swartz
03-07-2007, 05:44 AM
Why don't you just use the Mill function along with two closed profiles?
The inner profile would be the area that would remain in a normal stamp function. The outer profile can be a simple rectangle or circle that would enclose the material that you would like to remove down to a depth defined during the mill operation.