View Full Version : creating autocad dwg's

11-01-2006, 07:26 AM
Hi I am new here. Our company purchased another company last year and they use ME10 or Drafting. The problem is that we have been doing reworks of jobs they have done and our customers (and theirs) only accept autocad dwg's for final drawings. The ME10 drawings we get from them in autocad have all the parts in blocks and shows no hidden lines making a very messy print. Not having ME10, or knowing anything about it, is there settings they can use when exporting to autocad to correct some of this?

John Scheffel
11-01-2006, 07:55 AM
Control of how Drafting/ME10 exports DXF/DWG is done using a configuration file named DXFDWG.con. You can find this file in the dxfdwg subfolder under your main install folder (such as C:\Program Files\CoCreate\OSD_Drafting_xxxx). This folder also contains a readme.htm file with details on what the commands in this file do. I don't know which line(s) you need to change to get the output you want, but this is how you control DWG output.

11-01-2006, 09:06 AM
Thanks very much

11-09-2006, 07:30 AM
here is the file as my co-worker sent it to me. I see the MI to acad but not the other way around for the line types??
The contents of the dxfdwg.con file (there are others) are as follows:-

# CoCreate/Interface for MI to DWG/DXF (TM*)
# * DXF and DWG are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.
# MI <==> DWG/DXF configuration file
# Each line which specifies a unique parameter has the format
# COMMAND <whitespace> OPTION [# comments]
# You may change comments and values
# Blank lines are ignored

# General Translator Parameters

SourceDirPath ./
DestinDirPath ./
KanjiTranslate OFF

# DXF to MI Translation Switches

StartSection DXF to MI Translator
PolymarkerType 1
TranslateDXFPenLineSize 3
TranslateInvisibleLayers OFF
CustomUnits ON
Units mm
UnitsScale 1.0

# data for translation from MI to DXF
TranslateSubfixDimProp ON
TranslateSuperfixDimProp ON
KeepTopScale OFF
TranslateMIPenLineSize 3

#font mappings

# "width ratio" means MI to ACAD font width ratio (in both directions)

# "autocad font file name" "me10 1byte font name" "me10 2byte font name" "width ratio" "line spacing" "vertical line spacing"

FontMapACADtoMI "txt.shx" "hp_i3098_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.90 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "simplex.shx" "hp_d17_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.95 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "complex.shx" "hp_block_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.95 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "italic.shx" "hp_jasc_v" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.15 1.666 1.3333

FontMapACADtoMI "TIMES.TTF" "times_new_roman" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.03 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "tahoma.ttf" "tahoma" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.25 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "ARIAL.TTF" "arial" "hp_kanj2_c" 1.2 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "isocp___.ttf" "isocp" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.77 1.666 1.3333
FontMapACADtoMI "COUR.TTF" "courier_new" "hp_kanj2_c" 0.75 1.666 1.3333

# "me10 1byte font name" "autocad font file name" "width ratio" "magic string" magicNumber

FontMapMItoACAD "hp_i3098_v" "txt.shx" 0.90 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_i3098_c" "txt.shx" 1.07 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_d17_v" "simplex.shx" 0.95 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_d17_c" "simplex.shx" 1.24 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_block_v" "complex.shx" 0.95 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_block_c" "complex.shx" 1.39 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_jasc_v" "italic.shx" 1.15 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "hp_jasc_c" "italic.shx" 1.24 "" 0

FontMapMItoACAD "times_new_roman" "TIMES.TTF" 1.03 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "tahoma" "tahoma.ttf" 1.25 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "arial" "ARIAL.TTF" 1.2 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "isocp" "isocp___.ttf" 0.77 "" 0
FontMapMItoACAD "courier_new" "COUR.TTF" 0.75 "" 0

# "me10 2byte font name" "autocad font file name" "width ratio" "magic string" magicNumber

FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanji_c" "MS Mincho.ttf" 0.89 "MS Mincho" 32785
FontMapMI2toACAD "hp_kanj2_c" "MS Mincho.ttf" 0.89 "MS Mincho" 32785

# linetype mappings

# "autocad linetype name" "me10 linetype name"

LinetypeMapACADtoMI "CONTINUOUS" Solid
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DASHED" Dashed
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DOTTED" Dotted
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DOT_CENTER" DotCenter
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "LONG_DASHED" Dashed
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "DASH_CENTER" DotCenter
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "PHANTOM" CenterDashDash
LinetypeMapACADtoMI "CENTER_DASH_DASH" CenterDashDash

# "autocad arrow" "me10 arrow" "arrow scale" "arrow fill"

ArrowMapACADtoMI "_NONE" NoArrow 1 ON #None
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_CLOSED" Arrow 1 ON #Closed
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOT" Dot 1 ON #Dot
ArrowMapACADtoMI " " Arrow 1 ON #Closed Filled
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_CLOSEDBLANK" Arrow 1 ON #Closed Blank
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OBLIQUE" Slash 1 OFF #Oblique
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_ARCHTICK" Slash 1 OFF #Architectural Tick
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN" Jis 1 ON #Open
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_ORIGIN" Dot 1 OFF #Origin Indication
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN90" Jis 1 ON #Right-Angle
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_OPEN30" Jis 1 OFF #Open 30
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOTBLANK" Dot 1 OFF #Dot Blanked
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DOTSMALL" Dot 0.5 ON #Dot Small
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_BOXFILLED" Arrow 1 ON #Box Filled
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_BOXBLANK" Arrow 1 ON #Box
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DATUMFILLED" Triangle 1 ON #Datum Triangle Filled
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_DATUMBLANK" Triangle 1 OFF #Datum Triangle
ArrowMapACADtoMI "_INTEGRAL" Slash 1 ON #Integral

# "me10 arrow" "mi arrow fill" "autocad arrow" "arrow scale"

ArrowMapMItoACAD NoArrow ON "_NONE" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD NoArrow OFF "_NONE" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Arrow ON " " 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Arrow OFF "_CLOSED" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Dot ON "_DOT" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Dot OFF "_ORIGIN" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Triangle ON "_DATUMFILLED" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Triangle OFF "_DATUMBLANK" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Jis ON "_OPEN30" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Jis OFF "_OPEN30" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Slash ON "_OBLIQUE" 1
ArrowMapMItoACAD Slash OFF "_OBLIQUE" 1

John Scheffel
11-09-2006, 08:21 AM
A little confused. Reading your original post, it is unclear if you are creating the drawings in ME10 and exporting to AutoCAD, or creating in AutoCAD and importing to ME10.

Just a guess, but you might try turning on TranslateInvisibleLayers.

It would be helpful if you could attach one of the DXF and/or MI files that you are trying to translate. You might have to zip the file to attach it. It would also be helpful to know what versions of ME10 and AutoCAD you are using. The configuration file you posted has less options than the current version which I'm using, which is Drafting 2006 (aka 14).

11-09-2006, 10:03 AM
I am trying to help our other company translate from ME10 to autocad. right now all lines come in solid and there is no rhyme or reason to the colors. I do not have an ME10 drawing but i could get one. I have acad 2007.

11-10-2006, 03:25 AM
this is from the readme file. they just sent me the text. All i would like is for their line types to come through. centerlines as centerlines and so on.
Version 10.20