View Full Version : creation of sd-defdialog from MM

10-24-2006, 11:53 PM
Hi all
If i create a sd-defdialog from MM into OSDM (with command DataManagerInstance.getSolidDesigner().executeCommand(cmd))and i execute it,there is a
strange beaviour.OSDM beaves like execute (press ok) the defdialog without
show it to the user.
Any help?
Alessandro Niccoli

10-27-2006, 01:14 AM
When MM send a lisp command(cmd) to OSDM,encapsulate the command into
this statement.
So if MM define a sd-defdialog,and call it from MM,happens that OSDM
execute it clicking automatically ok button of the dialog.
There is a solution:
If my sd-defdialog is called foo1 then, i define a second dialog called foo2

(oli::sd-defdialog 'foo2
:dialog-title "Foo2"
:variables ()
(oli::sd-call-dialog "foo1"))

and so execute foo2.

Alessandro Niccoli