View Full Version : Error uploading drawing to MM

10-20-2006, 03:06 AM
Hello all,

I have a problem when I try to upload some drawing files to MM. Normally these files are very old.
The error says:

"This drawing was generated from a model stored in another database. Please save the model to this database and 'force' update the viewsets before attempting to save the drawing"

If the drawing has a linked model, then I can do a force update, but some drawings has no model. Is there any solution for this kind of drawings?

My workaround is import the files from WM, but it is quite hard if you have this problem in a lot of drawings.

Thanks a lot again!

10-20-2006, 05:36 AM
You could probably resolve this by removing the link with the model. I think removing all SD-infos in the drawing will be enough (using the ME10 command change_global_info "SD_*" ""), but you might need to remove more infos.

Note that you will completely remove the link with the model and will not be able to update it anymore.

I don't know if there is a more elegant way to resolve this (maybe there is an XML-tag in modelmanager to disable this check).


Marten Verhoeven