View Full Version : Calling a macro from a dll loaded into ME10

07-21-2006, 08:16 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to call some of the built in macros from a dll that I am writing. I am using the AI interface/module and I can get AI commands to execute with out a problem. I read in the AI manual that macros can be created in an AI routine but they can not be executed. I had heard that it might be possible to put tokens into the OSDD(ME10) token list so that they are executed by OSDD when it returns to it's top loop of execution. This sounds possible but I haven't been able to find the token list for OSDD through the AI API or I would try going this route.

The specific functionality that I am looking to accomplish is the ability to create menus, open, save, and, create files, and manipulate Infos from the AI side of my program.

If anyone can suggest a way of either calling these macros or some insight or suggestions on other approaches to take to solving this solution I would appreciate it. And unfortunatly my program cannot be written in the macro language because some of the external libraries I am using make calls to my application so in order to use those my application has to be a dll.
