View Full Version : Configure Editor of Masterdata dynamic by Name

05-21-2006, 11:40 PM
I had two Types of Masterdata-Items - using ModelManager 14.00A:
1.) Imported from PPS-System - only one Attribute (WEIGHT - from 3D-Model) change allowed in WMEditor (Master is PPS-System)
2.) Spezial Masterdata - Name Attribute startet withIndex "Q-" - all User-Attributes of these Objects could changed by Users (not transferd to PPS-System).
Question: Is it posible to change or extend the Action of Change ("Ändern" in German-Schema) - see Attachment Masterdata,jpg - that all Attributs are protected exclude Attr. WEIGHT (Einsatzgewicht), when NAME (Artikelnummer) not started with Index "Q-" - otherwise all User-Attributes are not protected - and how to do it ???

It's not a good idea to realize by preapply Method - because user typed in a lot of changes, after push Apply ok Ok the preapply method runs with Error-Message ...

06-05-2006, 08:08 AM
I think that this can be done extending WMAttribute class and specifying
this in xml file

in particular you must extend isProtected() method.
Consider to use 2 Masterdata classes and configure this classes.

Alessandro Niccoli

06-11-2006, 11:03 PM
Hi Alessandro,

thank you for great tip - it works fine ...