View Full Version : #<synonym stream *TERINAL-IO*> is not of type SEQUENCE

07-18-2005, 05:57 AM
After I've loaded my lisp program if I go to the menu Modify 2D->Split
it appears the error message LISP Error : #<synonym stream *TERMINAL-IO*> is not of type SEQUENCE, even if I haven't done any other operation and I've no
draws in my workplane.
Any ideas ?

07-18-2005, 09:59 AM
Can we see the LISP code you're loading? Does it properly handle LISP packages?


07-19-2005, 12:40 AM
I load the package load_macro.lsp that has this code to manage packages:

(in-package :load_macro)
(use-package :oli)

(load "LEDB3D/menu_parts.lsp")
(load "LEDB3D/menu_draws.lsp")
(load "LEDB3D/menu_draws_2d.lsp")
(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged.lsp")
(load "LEDB3D/preview.lsp")

(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged_conf.lsp").......

menu_parts.lsp has this code:

(in-package :menu_parts)
(in-package :lc_ui_ged)
(use-package :oli )
(use-package :load_macro)

(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged_conf.lsp").....

menu_draws.lsp has this code :

(in-package :menu_draws)
(in-package :lc_ui_ged)
(use-package :oli )
(use-package :carica_macro)

(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged_conf.lsp")

menu_draws_2d.lsp has this code:

(in-package :menu_draws_2d)
(in-package :lc_ui_ged)
(use-package :oli )
(use-package :carica_macro)

(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged_conf.lsp")......

lc_ui_ged.lsp has this code:

(in-package :lc_ui_ged)

(use-package :oli )
(use-package :menu_draws)
(use-package :menu_parts)
(load "LEDB3D/lc_ui_ged_conf.lsp").....

previews.lsp has this code :

(in-package :lc_ui_ged)

(use-package :oli )......

07-19-2005, 02:19 AM
Don't see any obvious package issues, so maybe the problem is in the actual code. I would simply comment out the load statements systematically in order to find the code which seems to cause the issue.

Good luck,


07-19-2005, 07:29 AM
In the actual code there was a function called "split".
Now that function has a new name and all works
