View Full Version : me_bom_attr and ModelManager

07-03-2005, 11:17 PM
Hi all
I have a customer that have desktop schema and so i'd like to reproduce
desktop schema into Model Manager.
I have a problem with me_bom_attr.In particular this customer have some
bom links attribute created in me_bom_attr.
I can't put this attribute in Bom Editor.
I can add attribute to WM_ELE_LINKS and put this attribute into BOM EDITOR
working on custom.xml (islinkattribute and BomEditTableColumnModel tags) and creating java class for customized BomEditTableColumnModel but i can't do that for me_bom_attr attribute.
Any help? thanks

Maybe this is a question for experenced people into Workmanager and also ModelManager.

08-23-2005, 01:18 AM
I think that Model Manager not fully support DESKTOP schema(and also Our support think so).

I understand that Model Manager is a new client to the same database(with some classes added) and have different set of functionalities, but supporting the entire desktop schema is very important.
I think that the only entity not supported in Model Manager is me_bom_attr :
there is a section of wmconf.xml that configure this class and that referes a java class but this java class is never referenced in all other java classes.
It seems a work not completed.

Follows wmconf.xml section:

* Class Definitions for Desktop Classes
<Class extends="DBR_ELEMENT">
<Name catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="110">me_bom_attr</Name>
<NameFormat catalog="awm_stda" msg_num="489">%NAME% [%DB_OWNER%] [%DB_STATE%]</NameFormat>
<SortNameFormat catalog="awm_stda" msg_num="444">z%DB_CLASS_NAME%%NAME%</SortNameFormat>
<Attribute catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="112">
<DisplayName catalog="model" msg_num="479">Height</DisplayName>
<Attribute catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="114">
<DisplayName catalog="model" msg_num="480">Pos</DisplayName>
<Attribute catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="111">
<DisplayName catalog="model" msg_num="482">Width</DisplayName>
<Attribute catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="113">
<DisplayName catalog="model" msg_num="481">Length</DisplayName>
<Class extends="DBR_ELEMENT">
<Name catalog="awmdemoa" msg_num="115">me_bom_flag</Name>
<Attribute catalog="awm_stda" msg_num="200">
<DisplayName catalog="eprojects" msg_num="50">Name</DisplayName>
<Attribute catalog="awm_stda" msg_num="201">
<DisplayName catalog="eprojects" msg_num="199">Description</DisplayName>