View Full Version : DWG modified flag INQ_ENV 0, DISPLAY (INQ 4)

Jobst Brandt
01-05-2005, 10:21 AM
My exit MACRO checks to see if the current drawing has been modified. If it has, it asks whether you want to exit or not, or save the file and exit. The test:


gives a 1 or 0 for modified or not. However, once the modified flag has been turned on (1) deleting the drawing does not reset that flag properly. That is to say, if that drawing has been modified and I choose not to exit but to DELETE ALL CONFIRM, aka RESET_SYSTEM after which


shows 0, loading another drawing shows the flag is again 1 making a quick exit as had been intended with the EXIT macro, not possible. Unless no edit operations have occurred since initially loading ME10 this flag seems to be set for ME10 rather than the currently loaded drawing.

How can I reset that flag. I would like to make such a command part of the DAC (delete all confirm) MACRO. This seems to be a bug. Once the 'modified' flag has been set for a drawing, all future drawings come in as already having been modified.