View Full Version : OSD/Designer Drafting associativity?

12-22-2004, 08:08 AM
Is it possible to create a drawing (views only) in Annotation, save it as a .mi file, open it in Designer Drafting to detail it (add dimensions, notes, etc.), thus making it a "Designer Drafting" drawing, but have it associative back to the model it was based off of so that the drawing updates in Designer Drafting?


Thom Ivancso
12-22-2004, 08:50 AM
Hello Steve,

The only way I know to do this is to use the old Layout module :eek: in OSDM. It is not as robust in creating section views as Annotator is, and has no way to update enlarge detail views that are created under the Part menu in OSDD. It will only work on normal views.

To turn on the Layout Module type (show-layout) in the user input area of the OSDM Modeling module.

Happy Holidays

Gary Brauch
12-22-2004, 11:16 AM
You can create a drawing in Annotation and save it as mi.
You can then open it in Drafting and work on it (dimensions, notes, etc.) as long as you use the Annotation module to do the things like moving views and such.
You can then save the file and load it into Annotation for updates.
If you open a support call we can go into more detail on how this works.

Thom Ivancso
12-22-2004, 11:21 AM
Hello Gary,

I tried that this morning with OSDM and OSDD 13 (2005). But got some really weird results. Like dimensions not showing in Annotator that were placed on in OSDD.


Gary Brauch
12-22-2004, 11:29 AM
Works good here. If it's an assemlby, the view must be active, if it's a part, then it will work with either the view or the part as the owner of the dimension.

Thom Ivancso
12-22-2004, 11:31 AM

I was working with a single part had the Annotation on in OSDD and was getting mixed results, the dimensions would show up fine in OSDD, but after I saved the part and loaded it in to Annotator no dimensions would show up.

I look into it again.

Happy Holidays

01-05-2005, 12:05 PM
Thanks for the responses.

Here's where I'm going. At our company lots of folks have been using ME10 for a long time to create drawings. They have been using OSD to design, and they use Annotation to create the initial orthographic projections (views), but then they save this "drawing" out as an ME10 file and detail it and maintain it in ME10.

Whenever a design change happens, the changes are manually done to all the affected views on the drawing in ME10 (Designer Drafting). The model is only sometimes updated (separately), and is often not even stored in Model Manager. Thus there is no associativity (and often no revision control) between the model and the drawing.

Obviously the way it is supposed to work is you make your drawing in Annotation, and if a design change happens, you update the model and the drawing updates automatically.

It's going to be a HUGE cultural change to get the folks who are on ME10 to use Annotation. But I could deal with people still using ME10 (Designer Drafting)if there was still associativity back to the model, so that when the model changes the drawing updates. This would allow people to still use the tool they are comfortable with, but would also allow us to move forward with storing 3D data in Model Manager and taking advantage of the power of associativity.

If I'm hearing you right, Gary, the only way to get a model to update a drawing is to open it in Annotation and update it, correct? If so, there really is no case for using Designer Drafting for making these drawings - people should be using Annotation and that's that.

I just want to have my ducks in a row so that when I pick up this torch and tell folks, "Look, if you want associativity between your models and drawings you have to use Annotation" that someone doesn't say, "No, it works in ME10 just fine..."


Gary Brauch
01-05-2005, 01:22 PM
Please download the attached zip file which contains a bundle. Open it up and have a look.
I created the part with 4 identical holes in it. I then did the layout in Annotation and saved it as an mi file (Drawing mi).
I opened it in Drafting and put on all the dimensions and saved it.
I then changed the hole sizes (on 2 of them) and loaded the drawing back into Annotation and updated it.
Worked fine. As long as don't do anything to break associativity (Drafting will warn you if try something that will), you can put on all dimensions and text that you want and it will go back into Annotation for updating.

Please open the attached bundle in Drafting and then use the "Spotlight" to see what the owner of the dimensions are. You will see that in the front view, the view is the owner and in the right view, the part is the owner. Both are acceptable when working on a single part. If you are working on an assembly, then the view must be the owner so that you can dimension across parts.

Just remember, whatever you decide, someone will be unhappy ;)


keith franck
01-06-2005, 11:42 AM
There's a little situation that currently exists that folks should know about if you're importing ME10 legacy drawings into Annotator or OSD to be used as a tool. Nothing bad will happen if the drawing scale is 1:1. If the drawing scale is any other value, Annotator will just change the value of all the dimensions accordingly based on that actual drawing scale as a factor. The drawing will appear to be correct but the dimensions are all wrong and there is no warning that this has happened. Likewise OSD will scale the size of the tool geometry on the workplane so the model scale is incorrect. I reported this as bug to CoCreate years ago and it was fixed at that time by only allowing an ME10 drawing to be loaded as a sketch in Annotator. For whatever reason when it was brought in as a 'sketch' the dimensions were left intact. It's possible to load a ME10 as a 'drawing' again into Annotator so the bug is back! :mad:

Gary Brauch
01-06-2005, 12:20 PM
There's a little situation that currently exists that folks should know about if you're importing ME10 legacy drawings into Annotator or OSD to be used as a tool. Nothing bad will happen if the drawing scale is 1:1. If the drawing scale is any other value, Annotator will just change the value of all the dimensions accordingly based on that actual drawing scale as a factor. The drawing will appear to be correct but the dimensions are all wrong and there is no warning that this has happened. Likewise OSD will scale the size of the tool geometry on the workplane so the model scale is incorrect. I reported this as bug to CoCreate years ago and it was fixed at that time by only allowing an ME10 drawing to be loaded as a sketch in Annotator. For whatever reason when it was brought in as a 'sketch' the dimensions were left intact. It's possible to load a ME10 as a 'drawing' again into Annotator so the bug is back! :mad:

Fixed in V13.