View Full Version : Arrange Sheets

nan battaglia
12-15-2004, 01:53 PM
I've been having trouble with the 'Arrange Sheet' goodie. I'm using OSD 2005. When I hit 'Arrange Sheets' the views end up away from my frame. I didn't have this problem using OSD 2004. No matter how many times I either move the frame or the views they are never together. Has anyone else been experiencing this?


Michael Kahle
12-15-2004, 11:53 PM
Another possibility to arrange sheets is to use:

(am_current_sheet :show)

Here the views and frame should be in sync.
Can you try this?

nan battaglia
12-16-2004, 07:27 AM
That works great.
Can this line (am_current_sheet :show) be added to am_customize? Or does this line have to be typed every time I want to arrange sheets?

Michael Kahle
12-17-2004, 12:00 AM
It has to be entered manually (f.e. before storing) or can be accessed via UI
by entering the "Active Sheet" Dialog in the right bottom status line (see attached picture).

For what type of storage would you use it?
Feel free to enter an enhancement request about this.