View Full Version : multisheet print

11-05-2004, 01:42 AM
I would want to know the ME10 commando to insert in the line of the commandos in order to activate or it does not print it created multisheet of a design with ANNOTATION?

You see rows attached ...

Vorrei sapere il comando di ME10 da inserire nella linea dei comandi per attivare o no la stampa multifoglio di un disegno create con ANNOTATION ??

Vedi file allegato ....

11-05-2004, 08:13 AM
Andrea needs help about Annotator printing option.

Is there any way to control the multisheet flag (see attached pic) by insert command line in Annotator?



11-05-2004, 08:16 AM

The command has to work in ME10 printing Annotator drawings.

Sorry :(


11-05-2004, 08:21 AM
Ok.. but if I want to set up the press multisheet through the commando line cosa I must write?

Ok .. ma se voglio impostare la stampa multifoglio tramite la riga di comando .cosa devo scrivere ?

11-05-2004, 08:35 AM
I suggest that you run ME10 in classic UI. (PELOOK=0). That way you can very easily find the actual command you need to use in your macros. The best way is:


and then click on the menu/command.

If a 'macro_name' appears simply write:

edit_macro macro_name

The commands you find in classic UI can be used in WUI.

Accurate Consulting (http://www.nethut.net/me10)

John Scheffel
11-05-2004, 08:42 AM
According to the "whatsnew.htm" file that came with version 12:
In the past, all sheets from an Annotation drawing were plotted to one page. Now, you can print each drawing on a separate page.

When an Annotation drawing loads, OneSpace Designer Drafting 2004 enables the "All Sheets" checkbox.

So it should be automatically checked if you have loaded a drawing from Annotation. It seems to work for me. It also seems that you cannot turn on All Sheets if you don't have an Annotation drawing loaded. Does this not work for you?

In the classic UI this is contolled by the Set_sys_plot_sheets macro and the Sys_plot_sheets variable, but these do not seem to affect the check box in the Window UI Print form.

If you could explain why you want to check this box from a command, maybe we could provide other ways to accomplish your goal.

11-05-2004, 08:47 AM

dovresti spiegare meglio dove vuoi arrivare e perche' vuoi controllare l'opzione da dentro ME10.



P.S.:making some translation for Andrea

11-05-2004, 09:02 AM
I have a macro that the designs print me in automatic rifle, but those fines sheet prints me alone the first one.

After to have set up through macro the all parameters launch the command .... Plot_start
I wanted to know that one in order to print all the sheets of a design made with ANNOTATION.

John Scheffel
11-08-2004, 02:22 PM
The Plot_start macro contains the following logic which should automatically print all sheets IF the current drawing came from Annotation.

IF ((POS (INQ 305) 'Annotation')<>0)
IF (Sys_plot_sheets)
INQ_ENV 1 PART ('~'+(INQ 302))

This is part of the standard Start_plot macro in version 12, and adds the SHEETS option to the PLOT command sequence created by this macro. So if you are running the standard Plot_start macro, it should work automatically. To verify that you have it, enter

EDIT_MACRO Plot_start

on the command line. If you don't see the code above in that macro, then it could be you are getting a custom Plot_start macro as part of your startup. See the PLOT command under Help, Prog Ref Guide for more details on PLOT options.

11-08-2004, 11:52 PM
I have found the problem perhaps,
if active the option:
Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 1
it don't print me more the following sheet of a sketch created with Annotation

Active the Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 0 option for stamp the sketch visualized on the screen, because if I leave Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 0 it visualize me and printing also the elements 3D canceled with Annotation

HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ho trovato forse il problema,
se attivo l'opzione
Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 1
non mi stampa piu i successivi foglio di un disegno creato con Annotation
Attivo l'opzione Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 1 per stampare il disegno visualizzato sullo schemro, perche se lascio Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 0 mi visualizza e stampa anche gli elementi 3D cancellati con Annotation

John Scheffel
11-09-2004, 02:17 PM
I'm not sure I understand the issue with a sketch, but if I understand correctly you are also using "Set_sys_plot_as_displayed 1" to avoid printing items which were "deleted" in Annotation but still exist because Final Cleanup was not run.

The following command may help. It can be used to remove the "deleted" items from an Annotation drawing loaded into Drafting. Note that this will permanently alter the drawing, so may not be a good solution if you want to save the drawing after printing and then load it back into Annotation. It should not cause any problems if the drawing file will only be used in Drafting.