View Full Version : font selection or fix for cross bar "I"

11-03-2004, 03:29 PM
Several years ago we had a problem where an I (eye) had been confused for a one. To fix it, we added the following code to our ME10 customization:
{Adds cross bars to "I" }
current_font 'hp_d17_v' CHAR_LAYOUT 'I'
20,12 20,52 BREAK 13,52 27,52 BREAK 13,12 27,12 44 END
current_font 'hp_d17_c' CHAR_LAYOUT 'I'
20,12 20,52 BREAK 13,52 27,52 BREAK 13,12 27,12 44 END

Now we are starting to use Annotator more, and wonder if there is either a similar work around we can put in place or if someone can reccommend a font that will work for both systems that is similar to the d17.

Andy Poulsen
11-03-2004, 07:20 PM
Hi Greg,

You can actually use the same commands to do this, but you just need to wrap them in an annotation command. If you add these lines to your annotation startup file you should get what you're after:

;;Adds cross bars to "I"
:cmd "current_font 'hp_d17_v' CHAR_LAYOUT 'I'
20,12 20,52 BREAK 13,52 27,52 BREAK 13,12 27,12 44 END" )
:cmd "current_font 'hp_d17_c' CHAR_LAYOUT 'I'
20,12 20,52 BREAK 13,52 27,52 BREAK 13,12 27,12 44 END" )

This approach will work with most me10 commands.

Good luck!


11-04-2004, 06:15 AM
Dang I always forget the cool little trick.
Thank you!