View Full Version : Problem about Multi Constraint

08-08-2004, 06:57 PM
I do exercise to build multi constraint on parts and assemblies.

I modefied a3/rset1/dist1 from 150 to 200. When I was updating a3/a2/rset1/dist1, and a3/rset1/dist1 turned back to 150.

Why can't a3/rset1/dist1 stay at 200.

My exercise file is attached below.

08-08-2004, 10:47 PM

When solving relation set /a3/a2/rset1 it doesn't take car on any other relations in any other relation set. You have to define all relations within a single relation set if you want to fix the position of different parts and workplanes. In your example the system finds a valid solution for the relation by movin the workplane /a3/a2/w1. If you want to have the part moved you could set the workplane fixed. Better would be to define the distance relation (part-plane to workplane-line distance) in the top level relation set. Then you should get the desired result.


08-08-2004, 11:25 PM
Thank you Dorothea. But I don't know how to set the workplane a3/a2/w1 fixed.

Pls tell me, thank you.

08-08-2004, 11:28 PM

Create a new realtion. There exists one relation type 'Fixed'. You are asked to select objects. Here select the workplane. That's it.
But as I said in my previous reply - I think this is only a workaround. You should keep all relations within a single relation set if you want to avoid unwanted repositioning of objects.


08-09-2004, 12:00 AM
Yes, It is better to keep all relations within a single relation set.

Thank you again.