View Full Version : how to create(if possible) bom inside drawing manager?

03-29-2004, 07:23 AM
Hi all
Inside Model manager user can create bom right-clicking on assembly and selecting "create bom":then model manager create bom using structure of assembly.

Instead,in drawing manager "Create bom" doesn't create bom based on part structure(of ME10),
like Workmanager SCAN BOM.
2 questions:
1-Drawing manager is useless because users can' create bom?
2-2D customers must use Workmanager or must pass to 3D(Modeling + Annotation)?

thank you very much.

Alessandro Niccoli

04-15-2004, 07:22 AM
FYI - In version 12 of Drawing Manager, standard BOM functionality was not yet implemented.
BTW - Model Manager BOM functionality was completed for v12.
Stay tuned for more information on future releases.