View Full Version : Hidden Lines in Cutaway

02-16-2004, 03:48 PM
I would normally expect hidden lines to be invisible in a cutaway. When I try to make hidden lines invisible, I can only pick the parent view, not the cutaway itself. Is there a trick I'm missing or is this a missing feature?

As I work around we have a non-printing color defined, and I change all the hidden lines to that color inside the cutaway.

02-17-2004, 12:15 PM
A cutaway is not a separate view. It's only a deeper look into the model at a certain part of if when viewing the model in that view direction.

To speak in pictures:
View Calculation is done with a modified version of the 3D model in this case. Assume there's a MILL done and the resulting view is projected onto the sheet.

No way to specify different settings for different areas of ONE view.

[change color]
why not working with the delete command? option 'calc=on'