View Full Version : Cannot start internet explorer in OSD using DDE

12-09-2003, 08:28 PM
I have a question. I created a lisp program to execute Internet Explorer (IE) in OSD. To execute IE, I created a customised command to load the sample lisp code in OSD.

However, the program will only work provided an existing IE is opened. When no IE is opened, an error will be prompted.
Did I miss anything? Appreciate if someone can advise me.

Thanks in advance.

Sample code:

(in-package :example)
(use-package :OLI)

(setq handle (sd-dde-initiate "iexplore" "WWW_OpenURL"))
(setq result (sd-dde-execute handle "www.microsoft.com,,0"))
(sd-dde-close handle)

12-09-2003, 10:53 PM
I *think* that's the way DDE is supposed to work. If the other app doesn't run yet, then DDE cannot communicate with it.

BTW, OSDM already has built-in functionality to have an arbitrary URL displayed in the configured web browser - I think the function is called sd-display-url; see the Developer's Kit documentation for detail information. This function will also take care of browser startup, if necessary.


12-09-2003, 11:17 PM
Thanks for your suggestion claus. I found some info about the function sd-display-url.

Extract from the help file:

The example below displays a URL page when the help button has been pressed:

(sd-defdialog 'my_help
'((bla :value-type :number))
'(sd-display-url "http://cocreateweb.cocreate.com"))

12-09-2003, 11:37 PM
Yup, that's the one. Just use sd-display-url instead of the DDE communication, and you won't have to deal about startup issues yourself.
