View Full Version : new OSD Modeling R12

nan battaglia
10-14-2003, 08:23 AM
I've installed the R12 version of OSD. Now I'm getting an error message when I try and launch the Annotator module. The message is 'docu::update-catch-personality-dialog is undefined'. Then when I try to exit OSD I get another error message, 'docu::hide-3dvp is undefined'. Has anyone else seen these messages? Can anyone give me some help on how to fix this?


10-15-2003, 05:48 AM
Are you loading your own customization into OSDM?

To debug the problem, proceed as follows:

Start OSDM
Open a console window (View/Console)
Enter (setf *enter-break-handler* t) in the user input line
Start up Annotation and wait until the error message comes up
Click OK in the error box
Enter ":b" in the user input line
Copy the output of the :b command from the console window into a file, and let us (or CoCreate support) know what it looks like

Hope this helps,


nan battaglia
10-15-2003, 06:54 AM
Thanks Claus

Yesterday I cleaned out all old customize files from old releases. I only have only R12 running and there are no error messages. It seems there was a conflict with the customize files.