View Full Version : To create a helicoidal tool

09-17-2003, 07:31 AM
I have a problem, I succeed to create on the part p2 the distance of the tool u1 that it follows the director e1?

Excused for my English bad one

09-17-2003, 11:34 PM
Hello Andrea,

I'm not sure if I understood your question right. So please igore it when it's not the right answer.
Attached is a package file with a workplane and a helix. The workplanes profile is the projection of the small cylindrical part u1. With this profile you can create a helix. Use the command 'Helix' in the 'Freeform' menu in the 'Add Material' area.
* Select the workplane,
* specify a part (new or existing),
* as direction use the measure direction option 'Surface Axis' and click the surface of the cylinder,
* Pitch is 24 (I measured on your curve),
* turn is 10
* and click ok.
The result is the attached helical part. When you specify your existing part p2 then the command adds material to this part. The analogue command to remove material exists in the area 'Remove Material'.

Is this what you wanted to know?


09-18-2003, 12:22 AM
Excuse me but me I want to create my helix departing not from a workplane of job, but from a solid (utensil of a mechanical car).

09-18-2003, 01:54 AM
Hello Andrea,

Yes, this I understood. I created the workplane and the projected the boundary of the tool to this workplane. When you rotate the tool and move it along the path and create a solid out of it it is the same like project the outline and sweep the profile along the path. When the profile is a kelix you can use the helix command. The only missing thing is the start and end portion of the helix. Here you have to add (unite) the tool part to the end of the helix.

I hope my explanation is correct. This is the way I would do it. I'm not aware of a command to move a tool part along a helix and create a solid out of the swept tool.
