View Full Version : Parametric - Add an optimization tool

Michel Gendron
06-13-2003, 07:12 AM
Other software like Pro/E, Catia, Top Solid and SolidEdge already have an optimization tool inside of them.

Major part of my parametric design most follow some rules to minimize or maximize the volume, mass or area of a part. Some time I most keep the exact volume, mass or area of that part and play with the angle or the lengh to make it fit in a box.

This is what I need to play with:

Minimum and maximum for each variable I want to play with
Size of the increment, digits or "round" for the variable (nobody like a value like 105.01mm!
Part properties (mass, volume, area, centroide...)
Tolerence, number of digits or min and max for the value to reach (mass, area...)

The system doesn't have to choose which value to take in case of more than one possibility. If it can produce a table with all the results, and i will use the filter the get the value I want to use. For sure we must be able to apply that selection to the value!