View Full Version : Sheet Scale as a fraction

tom kirkman
06-09-2003, 04:32 AM
We use the standard loaded text refrence for our title blocks to display the sheet scale.

(docu-unregister-tr-group "Sheet_local")
(docu-register-tr-group "Sheet_local" "SHEET")
(docu-register-tr-type "Sheet_local" "SHEET_NO" "???"
(docu-register-tr-type "Sheet_local" "SHEET_SCALE" "???"

The scale is display with a colon

1:1, 2:1 1:2 etc.

Does anybody have a way of displaying this as a fraction?

1, 2, 1/2 etc.?


Tom Kirkman

06-19-2003, 11:57 AM
looking to the default am_customize file I found

:docu_view_label_scaling_prefix "Scale"
:docu_view_label_scaling_syntax 'COLON_SYNTAX ;;or 'SLASH_SYNTAX
;;or 'X_SYNTAX
:docu_view_label_scaling_brackets 'NONE ;;or 'ROUND_BRACKETS
;;or 'BRACE

I assume the sheet scale will be represented in the same way as the view's scale. Did you try 'SLASH_SYNTAX in the command shown?

tom kirkman
06-20-2003, 04:11 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it.

a scale of 3/8 showed up as 1/2.67 instead of 3/8.

