View Full Version : Manage other files other than CAD data?

05-20-2003, 07:49 AM

With Work Manager, can I manage other files besides drawings and 3D data and associate them with parts?

For example, if I ouput an IGES file, can I put it into work manager and associate it with a part? Or perhaps a Microsoft Word document?


05-20-2003, 08:15 AM
Hi Steve,

WorkManager is a PDM/EDM system, capable of managing data and documents of all kind.

So you could e.g. have a class for your IGES files (actually, there exists a class named EXTERNAL_3D or so in Desktop/DesignManagement), or you could have a class for Word/Excel documents, and for images like TIFF,JPG,... - you can store any kind of file you like into the database, and relate it to your part.

What you need is some kind of UI to store/load your files into/from the database.
A simple approach is having two push-buttons in e.g. your IGES or IMAGES or office class with the commands

If you want to have an automatic load of e.g. an image / PDF / office document into the appropriate application (assuming you are under Windows), then you need some additional customizing (like e.g. registering the filetype "PDF" with the macro to handle the file)
Look for commands like Dms_declare_file_type, SHELL_EXECUTE and use the pushbutton command Awmc_ed_pa_load_doc_ronly (?)


10-02-2006, 08:40 AM
In the 2007 release of CoCreate's OneSpace Designer Modeling and Model Manager.... the process of "reintegrating" a supplier round-trip imported-model back into Model Manager has been improved and made easier.

For more information... come to the 2007 Sneak Peek Webcast. Register today (http://www.cocreate.com/webcast/).