View Full Version : How to create a BOM coming with share parts.

08-14-2002, 02:11 PM
Dear Sir: For using WorkManager 11.50, It's nicely to work with. Currently, we met a problem about BOM. In OSD2002 within WM, we use scan function to create a BOM into WM BOM Interface, and that just create a one level only BOM table in WM BOM UI, doesn't present the subparts and share parts correctly. We couldn't find any suitable function to sovle it. Would you please tell me how to get a solution. Best regards, Samson

10-04-2002, 12:26 AM
Hello Samson, ACCESS COMMERCE company, a french CoCreate partners, offers a bscan solution that could help you in your work. Bscan is able to read a full product structure composed of parts, docs, etc, without any depth limitation, and will create/update elements and links into the database accordingly. Bscan is able to recognize an existing database existing element to decide about update rather than create. Bscan offers powerful triggers to include your own business logic during import (data formatting, elements and links manipulation). Bscan is able to proceed with files attachements. You may ask to fasparre@access-commerce.com Best regards