View Full Version : DEFINE Me_ui_version

08-21-1998, 05:47 AM
as I go thru my me10r8.5 I am looking at the different commands, macros, etc and this macro "DEFINE Me_ui_version" appears in the startup file. it returns a "2" when I edit_macro, is this setting my user interface to "2" ? and what does that give me as opposed to "0"(zero), 1 or maybe 3? thanks s.

Willem Schuller
01-19-1999, 07:51 PM
Hallo Steve, The Me_ui_version (see/edit Macro 'configure_system')is use to findout/set what kind of make your tablet is. See also the 'help' file in the ME10 directory, find INQ_ENV 10 and look in the table for INQ 3.