View Full Version : Textref made by an function

06-19-2002, 11:34 PM
I am trying to make an textref by this sd-inq-obj-mod-time function, but I have to selitem the owner of the drawing. Anyone ??? (docu-register-tr-type "JM_GROUP" "Sidst_modificeret" "???" 'jm-sidst-mod) (defun jm-sidst-mod () (sd-inq-obj-mod-time (selitem)))

Walter Geppert
06-20-2002, 08:53 PM
In a drawing there may be more than one viewset with different owners. This function will return one of them (the first found): (defun dc4-am-desman-get-owner () (let (ret blatt anslist ans) (setf ret nil) (setf blatt (sd-am-inq-curr-sheet)) (when blatt (progn (setf anslist (sd-am-sheet-struct-views (sd-am-inq-sheet blatt))) (when anslist (progn (dolist (ans anslist) (when (and (not ret) (sd-am-view-struct-view-3d (sd-am-inq-view ans))) (progn (setf ret (sd-am-view-set-struct-owner (sd-am-inq-view-set (sd-am-view-struct-view-set (sd-am-inq-view ans )))) );;setf );;progn );;when );;dolist );;progn );;when );;progn );;when (values ret) );;let )