View Full Version : Auxiliary geometry

Joe Mirra
11-08-2001, 01:47 AM
How do I change the setting in Annotator to not automatically draw my auxiliary geometry when I create views, update, etc. Thanks

Michael Kahle
11-08-2001, 06:01 PM
You have two possibilities:<BR> In the UI open the dialog for the Auxiliary Default Settings and switch off the both "Create while update" buttons.<BR> In the am_customize enter the line:<BR> (AM_AUX_GEO_DEFAULT_SETTING :CEN_AUTO :OFF :SYM_AUTO :OFF) <BR> after the command "docu_add_symlines_and_centerlines_to_views" (or you can change the :ON to :OFF, but then you can't switch on the creating of auxiliary geometry in the UI. <BR> PS: In the moment we are working on to speedup this functionality...