View Full Version : Doesn't (AM_SET_DEFAULT_HATCH_PATTERN) work in OSD 11.60?

01-17-2003, 04:37 AM

I have a problem with getting my own created hatch pattern
being default from the beginning when starting annotation.

The pattern appears in the default list ok, but Standard is still the default choice when making hatchpatterns. Of course I can choose my pattern from the list, but I don't want to do that everytime after I've started annotation. It should appear from the beginning.

I thought that (AM_SET_DEFAULT_HATCH_PATTERN) "pattern name" should do the trick!

This is how it looks now:

;;Hatch patterns
:name "Norden"
:label "Norden"
:angle 45.0
:distance 3.0
:patternlist `( ,(make-simple-pattern
:offset 0.0
:distance 1.0
:angle 0.0
:color "GREEN"
:line-type "SOLID")


Any help would be greatful!

Best regards,

01-21-2003, 01:38 AM
In your am_customize file, after hatch definition (register-hatch-pattern), insert this line:

(am_hatch_default :get_from_table :on :hatch_name "Norden")

Now we don't need to choose from the list your settings and you can generate directly new section.

Remember that command is case sensitive.


01-21-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by Joakim

Doesn't look like valid LISP syntax to me.
