View Full Version : Size of first arrow in coordinate dim.

08-15-1999, 03:35 AM
In ME10 there is a command (dim_coord select_dim_arrow first_arrow absolute 2 fill_on dot_type) that let you set the size (2) of the first “dot” in coordinate dimension Is it some way to do this in annotator 7 Robban

Michael Kahle
08-19-1999, 08:08 PM
Yes, there is one, but it is a little bit tricky:<p> You'll have to put your dimensions settings to the table (via AM_DIM_SET_STYLE) and save them to a file. Then edit this file (*.dms) with an editor and change the value of "DOCU::COMMON-TYPE :xyz" to "DOCU::COMMON-TYPE :DIN" or "DOCU::COMMON-TYPE :ISO". Also edit the size of the dot-arrow from " DOCU::DOT-ABS-SIZE xyz" to the size you'll need. Reload the settings and apply them.<p> There's another way without the need of editing the *.dms-file. Set the GLOBAL Dim style to "ISO","JIS" or "DIN". Then enter the default arrow dialog (AM_DIM_SET_ARROW_LINE) , set both(!) arrow-types to dot and the size to the value you'll need. Leave the dialog with OK and reenter it. Now set both arrow-types to arrow and choose the size for the arrow-type. No you can put the settings to the table and save them as your new standard.<p> Hope that helps. <p> Michael