View Full Version : BOM customization

Jim Kuchar
07-23-1999, 07:20 AM
I'm working in Solid Designer 7.0 and am trying to customize the bill of material table in annotator. I am close to getting the results I want but am hung up in one area. I can load the BOM I customize in annotator but when I try to draw the table it repeats the same information for each part. I am trying to customize the "company" BOM in annotator and then trying to save it off as some other name. The company sketch is composed of two separate sketches. I can't figure out how to save the two sketches when I try to save sketch to a file. When I try to do this I can only select one block of the company sketch. If I use the company standard as written in annotator it works fine. I can't figure out how to make some minor changes to this and save it off under a different name and have it function in annotator.

Wolfgang Traetner
08-06-1999, 02:47 AM
Hi Jim, <br>Did you carefully read "...SolidDesigner/help/english/pesd.ht/am_custom/am_customize.html#BOM-LOAD-LAYOUTS" ??<BR> To save a complete layout you have to save 3 different sketches: 1) the BOM header, 2) the component sketch (= one row of the BOM), 3) the position flag. Restarting Annotation all these 3 sketches have to be registered as ONE BOM Layout.<BR> During "Layout Customization" - "BOM" you will find 2 sketches on sheet "0". You have to save both as mentioned above. <br> Do you try to save an already drawn complete BOM as a BOM Header or BOM Component file???<br> best regards, Wolfgang