View Full Version : Line size or Pen size inside Annotator

Mike Swartz
04-16-1999, 02:55 AM
I can set pen size of section lines, center lines symmetry lines and detail border lines. I can even customize and preset these defaults in my am_customize file. If I import an mi file, I get line thickness. How can I add line size or pen size to geometry created inside annotator? Years ago, before ME-10 supported line widths or pen widths, we used plot macros to associate pens or pen widths to pre-defined colors. We created so much legacy data using that scheme, that it was not practical to implement line or pen thickness. I would hate to carry this tradition forward into annotator. Any suggestions?

Wolfgang Traetner
04-21-1999, 03:10 AM
Hi Mike<BR> which version do you use??<BR> SD-Annotation 7.0 offers line size AND pen size for 2D/3D geometry now.