View Full Version : Dimension standard

Jim Kuchar
02-20-1999, 04:43 AM
I set up a dimensioning standard for our company and named it the company name. It has all the setting we need. How do I get the standard to be the default standard when annotator is loaded? I presently need to go into the dimension global setting and change the company standard

Wolfgang Traetner
02-22-1999, 06:52 PM
Hi Jim, it's me again. You have to save your current dim settings as a global standard, save it once, at startup load the standards, and set the one you want to use as the current one. 1) dimension settings, text, arrow... as you want to use, 2) Global Dimension Settings AM_DIM_SET_STYLE :dim_name (pin the table) enter a name: "my standard" :put_all :yes complete ,, Now a new standard name is in the table. 3) Save the current standards to e.g. "JimsDims.dms" with the save button of the table. ,, 4) At end of am_customize append 2 lines: (am_load_dim_table "fullpath/JimsDims.dms") (am_dim_set_style :dim_name "my standard"). Now your (saved) standard is the current one.

John van Doorn
03-02-1999, 06:16 PM
Hi Jim, You can set the dimension style with the following command in the am_customize file, where you have to replace the "CSS Rocomp" with your own name: (AM_DIM_SET_STYLE :DIM_NAME '"CSS Rocomp" :get_from_table :on) Good luck