View Full Version : How activate the BOM menu in the MAIN AIP menu

03-05-2003, 01:59 AM
Does anybody knows how we can activate the BOM menu button in the ME10 AIP main menu.
By default I only have the button to modify the title block but nothing for the BOM Menu.
Thank you in advance.

03-10-2003, 12:35 AM
If you are using DesignManagement, the buttons are controlled by
A) a certain environment variable: WMDT_PROFILE

B) A macro named Enable_wmdt_bom

Re A)
You will need to set that variable to EXPERT (but this could then collide with your WM Client settings)

If you start ME10 using a shell script or BAT file, you can set the variable in there independently from the WM Client.

Re B)
Activate the macro in your corresponding profile startup
1) Check the value of your environment variable: DISPLAY (GETENV "WMDT_PROFILE")
2) Look for a directory named WM\desktop\profile\<YOUR PROFILE>\aips\me10\startup
3) In the file "profile.m", place the line
at the beginning of the file.