View Full Version : Adding Dot end ref-line

12-27-2002, 09:17 AM
How do you add a dot type ref-line to a piece of text, when the target is open space?

Jim McKim
01-02-2003, 09:50 AM
There's a trick to putting the end of a reference line in open space, which works regardless of the arrow type. First, create the reference line and have it go to some geometry element. Then, use the Reassign Ref Line command to change the target for the line. You have to click on the arrowhead/dot/... and drag it into the open space. Might take you a couple of tries to get the hang of it, because it is not obvious or documented. I found this by accident.
This is pretty lame and should be fixed. CoCreate?

01-02-2003, 02:31 PM
While they're at it, they should make ref-lines act more like dimension lines, when the text moves, the line should rubber band based on the target and source definitions.

We usually have the line leave the source at a horizontal, but whenever the text gets moved or edited, or the target gets changed, we get wierd and defective results as to how it 'fixes' the refline.

01-11-2003, 08:02 AM
there' no need to explicit use the command 'Reassign Ref Line'

simple during creation you can do the same:

after you selected the target element (and the arrow/dot/whatever appears) look to the prompt (!), simple select the refline again (just a second click at same location) and you have again a rubber line and can change the end point of the reference line.

If you remember this 'second' click it's very easy to use.

May Kung
01-13-2003, 09:59 AM
Or, you could use the Create Leader goody. All it requires is each ref line have either an owner OR a source. You could assign the target anywhere in space. It used to be only way to do this prior to us upgrading to SD9.X. I've never gotten used to the reassign method, even though it's probably better to use that instead of a goody.