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11-26-2002, 05:55 AM
How can you change the inactive time frame that the license server uses before recovering a license?

John Scheffel
11-26-2002, 08:46 AM
From the MEls file:
License Hold Time
In general, MEls will recall licenses that have been inactive for more than 3 hours. Some exceptions exist; for example, the WorkManager Web Access Client license time-out period is set at 15 minutes. Also, some CoCreate products allow you to set a License Hold Time, the period that a client can remain inactive before MEls releases its licenses. See product documentation for details.

From the Modeling 11.6 file:
SD-SET-HOLD-TIME [function]
(sd-set-hold-time hold-time)
Sets the number of minutes a license server will hold a license locked if SolidDesigner does not check licenses in that time. Each time SolidDesigner checks licenses, the hold timer is reset and will hold the license for that number of minutes.
To enable release of licenses in idle state you need to call (sd-set-idle-behavior :on).
The license hold time applies for all licenses granted to SolidDesigner.
By using this function you can also affect the license server check time, because the license server check time is correlative with the license hold time. Below you find the formula how to calculate the license server check time:

LsChkTime = ( hold-time * 60 ) / 2 ( in seconds )
If LsChkTime exceeds 10 minutes a value of 10 minutes will be set.
If LsChkTime falls below 1 minute a value of 1 minute will be set.
If hold-time exceeds 255 minutes a value of 255 minutes will be set.
If hold-time falls below 15 minutes a value of 15 minutes will be set.

hold-time {NUMBER [180]} - new licenses hold time in idle mode

Return value:
hold-time - the hold-time set previously

From the Drafting 11.6 file:

The LICENSE_HOLD_TIME function sets the number of minutes a license server will hold a license locked if the licensed client does not check licenses in that time.

Hold times can be between 20 and 255 minutes. The license hold time applies for all licenses on that client. It is not possible to set different license hold times for different modules.

See also