View Full Version : my part becomes a facepart

11-22-2002, 01:38 AM
I've got a part, and on one end I'd like to create a Helix. So at that end I create a 'WP on face and project real'. Then I create an Axis with a constuction line on the same WP and I create the Helix. The following message apears:

Model Advisor messages
4 nonmanifold(s) in the part.

Use part checker with activated labels and model advisor warnings to find the related geometry

After i've Checked the part the part becomes a facepart. How can I prevent this from happening?

11-22-2002, 08:10 AM
I think that your helix is self-intersecting with itself or the existing part to which you are adding the geometry. As along as you have Check Part checked in the helix command OSDM will warn you if the command will corrupt the part and not allow you to create the geometry. Try to create the new helix as a new part and make sure that Check Part is on in the helix command. Do you get an error message? You may need to adjust your pitch to able be to create a valid solid.